November 3-5, 2023
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
In 2023, Sunrise Brown hosted the College Climate Gathering– a massive summit where 142 students from 45 universities learned how to organize for climate justice on their home campuses. The CCG provided nearly $11,000 in travel funding to attendees, and housing was provided at no cost to attendees who needed it– 92 in all.
At the time of the event, the CCG was the largest American youth climate organizing summit in four years.​
Following a huge loss in on-campus climate activism during the COVID shutdown, students on college campuses began to slowly pick up the pieces. But many campuses had lost a colossal amount of institutional knowledge when previous leaders graduated. The gathering served to fill this gap and start something new. By building skills and forging new connections across, CCG organizers aimed to jump-start the movement for climate justice on our campuses.
​Photos can be found here!
The CCG Report
Published in early 2024, The CCG Report is a comprehensive review of how the CCG was put on, from fundraising to curriculum design to attendee housing. It's designed for use by future organizers of large events at campuses across the country. Please feel free to use it and share it widely.
As promised during the CCG, our workshop materials are freely available in the report. With that said, if you're a Campus Climate Network member group – or interested in becoming one – you're better off reaching out to their staff for an in-person or virtual training for your group. Their work is of higher quality.